Embracing Spontaneity

I hate to admit it but I was once the furthest you could get from a spontaneous person.

I had to know what, why, how, who and where at all times.

It was difficult to go along freely and make decisions as they came.

I needed to be prepared and ready.

But life has forced me into surrendering control lately.

To accept that I don’t know what I’m doing 24/7 and be okay with that.

To have a free and flexible schedule to add and change plans easily.

Back in Aus, I worked 5 different jobs for the last 3 months before I left.

I was burnt out filling all my time I wasn’t working with social events.

There was no time for any spontaneous decisions.

I am so relieved that my life no longer looks and feels like that.

Do you have space for spontaneity in your life?

All my love,

Kaila 💌


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