
Dear Reader,

The definition of freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.

But I believe that many people think they have freedom but in reality are enslaved by their community and society because they are not able to act, speak or think as they want if it is not aligned with others.

I’m learning that freedom to me is living somewhere where no one knows me therefore have no preconceived ideas about me and I am free to decide who I want to be, what I say and what I do.

I am not confined to being the girl everyone once knew in high school.

I am not put into a box of being the church girl.

I am able to grow and develop and change without one mentioning the condescending comment of “you’ve changed so much” or “I don’t know who you are anymore”

And to me, that is true freedom.

All my love,

Kaila 💌


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