New Healthy Habits

Dear Reader,

I don’t want to change myself, but I desperately want to enhance and grow myself. Upon much reflection, the realisation was I was just letting life happen to me. I woke up and did what was asked of me, I ate the food that was convenient and familiar, I went to the job that paid whatever bills I had, I watched the same series and movies each night to feel comfortable. It felt like everything I did and said was an autopilot response.

Since moving countries, I have become more self-aware and willing to accept and change it. My older brother Jay has played a huge role in this, constantly challenging my way of thinking and showing me how to see situations from different perspectives. You don’t need to move countries to do this but it has helped me create a new routine simply because my environment is different. I have started implementing small habits and have noticed a tremendous difference in myself emotionally, physically and mentally.

The first habit I have started is swimming in the ocean / cold water daily. I don’t know the science behind ‘Cold Water Immersion’ but I know that my mental health and mood are improving every day I do it. Also receiving vitamin D from the sun while swimming is amazing for you.

The second habit is journaling everything - my experiences, emotions, thoughts and feelings. I have seen what can happen when you suppress your experiences and emotions and try to hide from them. I don’t want to do that, I want to learn the lesson that comes from each moment, I want to feel every emotion that arises (feeling it is different to letting it control you). I want to be able to look back on my thoughts in a year, 10 years, 50 years from now and see the growth in my mindset, to be able to see the challenges I overcame.

The third habit is everyday exercise. Right now this looks like my siblings and I putting on a good playlist and doing a little 20 min strength-based circuit using the dense strength method. It releases so many endorphins and is a great, sustainable way to ensure exercise every day.

The fourth habit has been to read every night. I was gifted a beautiful Kindle for Christmas and have fallen in love with reading again. With this, I can access all different genres so I have been switching it up between reading romance, poetry and self-development books.

The fifth habit is teaching myself a high-value skill so I will never have to work for the “system” and can create financial, geographical and time freedom for myself.

The truth is no matter where you are in the world or how old you are, all 5 of these habits are achievable and I believe have the potential to change your life from the inside out.

What is a habit you can start today?

All my love,

Kaila 💌


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