Vision Boards

Dear Reader,

I know I’ve written about vision boards before but it’s only because I know that they work!

In January of this year, I created a new digital one that I subconsciously looked at daily on my laptop and phone and I realised that by next week I would have accomplished about 75% of what I wanted.

I purely believe it is because I was attracting it and working towards it because I was clear on what I wanted, where I wanted to go and what I wanted to achieve.

So today I have created a new vision board again and have been super intentional with it.

Some places and ideas seem so out of reach on it but I thought the same on previous ones and I know they will come to life.

If you haven’t created one yet you really should, it’s super easy using Canva and Pinterest and you will start fulfilling your dreams a whole lot quicker!

All my love,

Kaila 💌


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